San Fran Souls

Third post of the San Francisco series: some of the many faces encountered on our trip up north. Some of these photos are of my friend Eden and I, just a few pictures of the gals for a more personal look at our venture, and a couple of souls we met along the way. (Be sure to check out my first two posts about the lovely SF: San Francisco: YUM + SF Places and Spaces

I saw so many interesting faces that looked like they had so many stories to tell, the majority in China Town, but I have to say I was a little nervous to ask for their pictures. I’m not sure why, I guess just being in such an unfamiliar place. I wish I had, though, but I will be sure to on my next trip there!

In North Beach, we went into a shoe store where all of the shoes were handmade; we saw the maker putting the finishing touches on a few pairs while we were there! I thought he would be an interesting face to document because he creates the support for our soles, which take us on each journey we go through…and in very cool designs I must say. I saw quite a few pairs that I would have loved to buy, but since they were all homemade, they were a little out of my price range. Anyhow, I stopped to talk to the shoemaker for just a minute, but wasn’t able to get much out of him due to the customers he had waiting. I did get that he  has been a shoemaker in San Francisco for 30 years!

When we were in Embarcadero, we stopped to watch a spray paint artist creating paintings in front of a crowd of people. He had a bunch of his work lying around him for the people to see, and it was all so unique looking. We thought for sure he was using a stencil for most of his work, but when he began a new painting right in front of us, it was all done using little clever techniques that he had acquired over the years. We were so amazed at what he could make the spray paint do, and he’s only been doing it for six years! I was extremely impressed.

Well, here are the photos of the lovely faces, enjoy!

xo Ivy

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22 Years of Love

Wedding Day, 1990

The above picture (top) is a picture of my parents on their wedding day, the rings on their hands representing a lifetime of love to come. Today I decided to replicate that picture with a bouquet that my dad gave my mom this afternoon, and show the 22 years that they have accomplished so far. (Below)

Today is my parents’ anniversary, establishing 22 years of marriage under their belts. It all started with their six week honeymoon in Mexico, staying the whole time in their Volkswagen bus. “If you can survive that, you can survive anything!” my mom shared, and it’s true! River rafting, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Martha’s vineyard; their soles have taken them all over. They have gone through a roller coaster of journeys together. Not to mention the mentalities of holding together a family and sustaining three business that they started all on their own!

Tonight my mom surprised my dad with a special night out on the town. To begin the festivities, they went to overlook the sunset at Butterfly Beach in Montecito, followed by a glass of wine at the cozy Biltmore Hotel bar. To end, they are going to their favorite restaurant, Ca’ Dario in Santa Barbara, for a romantic dinner.

My parents are just about the cutest couple in town, and the best parents I could ask for. They have such an amazing connection; a connection that will last a lifetime.

22 years of love, 2012

xo Ivy