Sprout the Band

Ladies and gents I found a new band! Well, new to me…and possibly to you too! The group is called “Sprout the Band,” and I spotted them playing on the bustling street of the Farmer’s Market. Their look attracted me before they even started playing, but when they did, I loved their unique sound.

They met at an open-mic night and have been together for a little over two years, and are going on tour March 23 – April 16th! They will be traveling through Seattle with another band, “Rainbow Girls,” and will end at the Lucidity Festival in the lovely mountains of Santa Barbara.

It sounds like the music on their site is a little different than what they were playing when I saw them, but check out their tunes! SPROUT the band

xo Ivy

Barefoot wanderer

These are Erin’s feet, and the teeny tattoo on her toe is an infinity sign, symbolizing the connecting together of two realms.

MORE pictures below!! Continue reading


Yesterday I joined my brother Jake and two of his best friends, Tate and Dylan, and had an exciting day full of deep thinking.

I tagged along to a shoot shot by Tate Larrick with these wild boys, taking silly pictures and showing off their silly personalities. They were playing dress up as I photographed them, putting on whatever costume pieces they could find in our chest full of disguises. Beware, some of these pictures are a little wacky! But I definitely expected that one coming from these boys.

After dress up, we went to Ledbetter beach in Santa Barbara and Tate pulled a slack line out of his trunk. We slipped off our shoes and got into the balancing groove. As we slack lined, the boys talked about what they are doing with their lives and how they are expanding their minds for the years to come. Tate and Jake’s soles have taken them around the world, journeying through their souls, pondering life as they know it. “You have this amazing space above your neck, it’s your responsibility to push out of the bubble and explore” Tate was saying as he expressed how depressing but productive it is to actually think about thinking; analyzing what is happening and what is to come. It was so interesting hearing their different perspectives on energy and growth. I couldn’t take my ears away from the conversation they were having; such inspiring information.

Jake has been taking a gap year, a year out of school, before he goes to college. Although it is looked at as unconventional by some, it has been the most exhilarating and ground-breaking time of his life thus far. Over this year he has traveled to 14 different countries; 11 in Europe and three in Central/North America over his three-month trip. He has been “working on his soul,” trying to find himself and what he wants to do. I wasn’t sure how this gap year would turn out for my brother, not sure if he would actually find what he was looking for. That was semi-true; he did find that he changes all the time, too much to figure out exactly one thing that he wants to be doing with his life. He’s not forcing himself into finding that one thing, but the things he is doing are so mind-opening for him. Instead of just thinking about trying to figure things out all the time, you stumble upon things unknown and that’s when the actual realization happens. He has realized that he wants to be out and about adventuring and being the outdoorsy guy he is, but hasn’t yet found what he wants to be doing with his life. Jake is based off of spontaneity, and that’s what I love about him.

Tate, on the other hand, thinks all the time about traveling below the surface of how people regularly think, exploring the uncomfortable and weird things that bring about the understanding of ideas. He believes it’s a skill to be able to really contemplate and think about the things that can be understood about and for yourself. He mentioned that he has been so surprised when he has asked people the question of “What will you be doing in 20 years?” He has most often gotten offended and restrained responses, which he thinks is out of fear. People are insecure and scared to think that far into the future. Feelings and emotions are not just immediately understandable, but there are a lot of things that can be deeply contemplated, and can take you one step closer to realization. 20 years from now Tate knows what he will be doing (in the perfect world), he will be a photographer for National Geographic and traveling to wherever he can imagine.

I think I’m scared to think about what I’ll be doing in 20 years…Or I guess scared isn’t the right word for it. I have tried to think about it, but really have no idea what I’ll be doing. I guess I relate more to Jake with the spontaneity; I don’t want to plan out my next moves, but instead wait and see where my decisions and journeys lead me.

Anyways, aside from all that inspirational talk, Jake, Tate, and Dylan are all taking time to ponder life and journey through the unknown. And now for the pictures!

xo Ivy

MORE, more, more below!

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Barefoot in Apache Land

This past January, I went on a school trip to the Apache Reservation in Arizona to build houses for the Apache tribe. The experience was unbelievable; so life changing! I can’t begin to describe how we felt, not to mention the such thankful souls of the Apache tribe that we got to meet.

During our hard work at one of the work sites, a little boy slowly came out of his little shack to play with us and see what was going on. He was so shy at first, but slowly began to come out of his shell as we tried to connect with him. The land we were on was rough and full of discarded objects, many of which could have been very tough on the soles! We all noticed at once that as this little boy was scurrying about his yard, climbing and getting his hands on whatever he could, he was barefoot! We figured it was due to the lack of money to buy shoes, but it must have been normal for him to go around without them; probably very callused little feet! We all became pals with this little barefoot Apache boy, giving him a yummy lunch to eat and climbing with him around his jungle gym of old, trashed items.

Because I hadn’t yet started this blog when I was in Arizona, I didn’t get a picture of just his feet. It’s a bummer I didn’t think of it, it would have been really interesting! I did manage to get a few photos of the boy in his local land, though, as well as a few other pictures of our adventure! Enjoy!

P.S. If you have any neat pictures of people who aren’t from your original land (especially their feet), it would be really interesting to compare the differences between people from different places around the world! I’m sure this little boys feet were much more roughed up and callused than the little boys in my neighborhood!

xo Ivy

There were a couple of the cutest pups at the work site!

The SPECTACULAR view, pure beauty!